About this time of year, my joy of gardening is starting to diminish. The leaves start to change colors and the air has become crisp. My plants are done fruiting, my flowers are pretty much done blooming, and I'm ready to enjoy the fall colors... but, it's time to prepare the garden for the upcoming winter months. Here are my top 10 essential tasks to tackle in October to prepare for a great new gardening year:

1. Clean Up the Garden
Start by removing any dead plants, weeds, and debris from your garden beds. This will help prevent pests and diseases from taking hold during the winter. You may choose to leave some healthy stalks and plants for native pollinators to winter over in. (Remember not to compost plants with disease. Those should be burned.)

2. Plant Spring-Blooming Bulbs
Add spring color now! October is the perfect time to plant bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses for a beautiful display of spring flowers. Make sure to plant them at the proper depth and spacing.

3. Divide Perennials
If your perennials have become overcrowded, now is the time to divide them. This will help rejuvenate the plants and promote better growth next season. (Don't forget to label those plants!)

4. Mulch Your Garden Beds
Applying a layer of mulch to your garden beds will help insulate the soil and protect your plants' roots from freezing temperatures. It also helps retain moisture during the winter months. This is a great use for all those leaves that are falling, but mulch them first to allow more air flow and less compacting.

5. Plant a Cover Crop
Planting a cover crop that dies off in the winter months is a great way to provide organic matter to the soil and provide natural mulch to the top of the garden. I have seen a difference in my raised beds since I've done this.

6. Protect Tender Plants
For plants that are sensitive to cold temperatures, like roses and tender perennials, consider covering them with burlap or a frost cloth to protect them from frost damage.

7. Prune Trees and Shrubs
Remove any dead or diseased branches from your trees and shrubs to promote healthy growth. Pruning in the fall also helps shape the plants for the coming year.

8. Clean and Store Garden Tools
Before winter sets in, take the time to clean and sharpen your garden tools. Properly store them in a dry, sheltered location to prevent rusting.

9. Plan for Next Year
Use the downtime in October to plan out your garden for the following year. Consider what worked well this season and what you'd like to change or improve.

10. Enjoy the Fall Colors
Take a moment to step back and appreciate the beauty of your garden as the leaves change colors and the autumn blooms come to life. Remember to take care of yourself too!
Grab a free Autumn word search or Pumpkin coloring page and enjoy some down time.
By following these 10 essential October gardening tasks, you can get a jump start on a healthy and vibrant garden come springtime. Happy gardening!